Dangers that Summer Can Pose on Elders

The hot scorching days of summer have arrived and temperatures are at the peak already. Certainly, it is this time of the year which most people eagerly look forward to enjoyment and outdoor activities. The warmth of sunshine and idea of spending long vacations with family and friends is indeed attractive. Yet, this perceived concept of fun in the sun can cause serious health issues, particularly for the elderly. With aging, one must essentially be aware of the probable health risks which are related to age and changing seasons. While people of all ages are prone to such issues, seniors are more susceptible. This is more so, because of the following risk factors: The body of elders does not adapt itself quickly to sudden temperature variations. This happens due to poor circulation, inefficient sweat glands and changes in the skin caused by the aging process. Elders are more likely to have chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney diseases or high sugar and ...