Recognizing Lung Cancer Awareness Month

The month of November is designated as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The significance of this designation is to raise awareness about how Lung Cancer accounts for approximately 25% of all cancer deaths. Each year, lung cancer claims more compared with other cancer. Lung cancer is cancer that begins in the lungs. There may be no signs or symptoms in the early stages. A history of smoking increases the likelihood of being diagnosed with the disease, but nonsmokers can also develop it. Lung cancer symptoms: Lung cancer typically doesn't show any symptoms in its early stages. Common presenting symptoms of lung cancer in its advanced stages include: A new, recurring cough New wheezing attack Coughing up blood or rusty phlegm Breathing difficulty Pain in the chest, particularly when inhaling and exhaling, having a good laugh, or coughing Voice hoarse Weight loss without effort Appetite loss Fatigue Fluid in the lungs Infections that persist, such as respiratory tract infections The spread...