Challenges and Tips to achieve optimal nutrition in Dementia elders

Consuming nutritious foods is indispensable for humans at every stage of life. Forgetting daily routines, people, things, and life events are witnessed in seniors with dementia. Forgetting to eat and drink is no surprise in dementia seniors. Maintaining optimal nutrition status by promoting a healthy diet for dementia patients is crucial. There are several fences that block achieving nutritional adequacy in seniors. Hindering Factors The causes of stunting successful nutritional status in seniors with dementia are many. Poor nutrition sparks behavioral changes, malnutrition, and worsening of the condition. The common causative factors are discussed below. ● Forgetfulness: The primary symptom of dementia- forgetfulness, makes seniors forget to eat and drink adequately. ● Blurred recognition: The senior may be unable to recognize the food plated for them due to their clinical state and may refuse to consume the food....