Olive Oil and the Health of Senior Citizens

The term ‘Oil’ has a certain reputation. Few say it is the least ingredient that you should consider to eat to be in good health and a few say it should be part of your regular diet. But the fact is our body needs its daily dose of oil and the good or bad effect of it is determined by the kind of oil one uses and the amount of it. Also, oil is the significant factor that causes or prevents chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases. Out of many grains, seeds and fruits that give oil, olive oil is considered as the most rich mono-saturated fatty oil source. Olive fruit is considered as the love of Europeans and there are many reasons for them to love this fruit. The goodness of olive oil is believed to be effective not only the heart conditions but also high-blood pressure and even stroke. Other benefits using this frontrunner in the good-kind of oil is that it helps you in remaining in your good physical condition in spite of age. Olive oil has the exact pr...