
Showing posts with the label raw recipes

4 Raw Recipes for Seniors

Eating well is an integral part of healthy aging particularly as seniors need additional energy and strength for doing their activities. Most often, these older individuals also suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes and heart ailments making it inevitable to take sufficient precaution on the diet consumed. Though calorie needs reduce with age, the nutrient requirements of elders remain the same or perhaps increase. Hence, seniors must plan and eat nutritious meals daily. Plant-based diets for seniors offer a promising solution to this challenge. They include a host of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, tubers and starchy foods. Consuming such diets help seniors to have a longer lifespan and enjoy a vibrant lifestyle. The various benefits of plant foods are enlisted below: Decreases the pace of aging Promotes a young and healthy look Improves the body immunity Boosts the energy levels Supports weight-loss Enhances mental cognition and reduces stress Fosters better slee