
Showing posts with the label rehab care

Building a Stronger Core, Effortlessly

  When people think about core strength, their minds often jump straight to images of crunches or planks. But there’s much more to core strength than just six-pack abs! The core includes all the muscles around your torso—front, back, and sides—that keep you upright and stable. A stronger core doesn’t just make everyday movements easier; it reduces the risk of injuries, improves posture, and makes life more comfortable, especially for seniors. The best part? Strengthening your core doesn’t have to be intense or time-consuming. You can build core strength effortlessly with a few simple activities and consistent effort at your own pace. The Hidden Benefits of a Strong Core A well-functioning core does more than keep you steady. It: ●        Improves Balance and Coordination - Whether walking on uneven ground or reaching for something on a high shelf, core strength helps keep you from wobbling. ●        Reduces Back...

In-house Transition Care for Elders

Transition Care is a full-service care programme that offers a certain kind of space and setting so that elderly people can take their time adjusting to the environment change. This service entails housing senior citizens in a specialized, multi-disciplinary environment that provides them with access to a range of healthcare resources, including physical and rehab care, dementia and memory care, breathing exercises, spiritual wellness, yoga for seniors, music therapy , and skilled nursing care services provided in athulya assisted living setting that closely resembles a home. Senior citizens are typically treated for their disease and discharged from healthcare facilities after receiving advice to make regular visits to monitor their health. What people tend to forget is that for an elderly person, there is a certain period between hospital discharge and home that necessitates special attention and care and is essential for the person's post-hospitalization mental and physical reh...

Small bite, big threat - World Mosquito Day

If mosquitoes are the source of malaria transmission, you might be wondering why we celebrate World Mosquito Day. Well, bringing attention to this in order to safeguard and ensure the safety of more people is what this day is all about. It's also crucial to comprehend that every animal and life form, whether friendly or not, adds value to the cycle of life. Correlation Between Mosquitoes and Malaria Mosquitoes transmit the pathogens which contribute to the malarial condition. Although malaria is treatable and avoidable, millions of individuals still face a threat to their lives on a global scale. It's wise to note that not every mosquito may spread malaria to people; only infected female anopheles can do so. Perhaps you're curious about how a mosquito transmits malaria. Simply taking a bite will do. When a malaria-carrying mosquito bites you, the parasite is discharged into your bloodstream and has the potential to infect every cell in your body. In general, mosquitoes do n...

Benefits of Rehabilitation in Stroke Depression

If you or a loved one has ever had a stroke, you are mindful of what a life-changing event it can be. You might be wondering what life will be like now that you're home from the hospital, even though the first few days after your stroke will be geared to getting up and walking so you can be discharged from the hospital. Each post-stroke is encountered by depression but it may differ in its symptoms and length. After a stroke, the majority of the symptoms manifest three to six months later. Although it can start a month after a stroke and last for years, it can also start right away. This disparity in onset times may be caused by two things: changes in mood and personality that develop over time, as well as physiological changes that take place in the brain after a stroke. For stroke survivors, the risk of depression is a regular occurrence. It frequently results from metabolic alterations in the brain. Positive feelings might not be experienced by the sufferer of a brain injury. D...