Embrace good health in old age with these 5-morning habits
Real happiness is a balance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. “Morning habits can serve as a wonderful way to stay organized and reduce stress, particularly for seniors.” Seniors can have a peaceful, productive, joyful day by establishing a daily routine that promotes both physical and mental well-being in retirement communities. The mood of the day can be determined by the morning routine. Here are some of the morning habits that will embrace good health in old age, Make your bed ➢ Making the bed is about committing to doing the little things that contribute to a more ordered, thoughtful, productive, balanced, or successful lifestyle. ➢ Making the bed could be comforting along with providing a fast sense of daily accomplishment. Seniors would gain a sense of achievement, calm, better sleep, enhanced hygiene, better focus, relaxation, and reduction of stress. Walk ➢ Fresh air and exercise are tw...