The Great Athulya kitchen

My mother used to tell me as a child that the kitchen is where life begins. Even though I didn't recognize it at that time, I can now understand the importance of a kitchen in a home. The majority of the time, elderly people's main concern is their diet because they have little options for food because of their chronic illnesses. Because of this, they no longer appreciate their meals as much as they did when they were younger. And one of the main criteria seniors look out in a senior living community is the diet and dining experience provided for them. Athulya Assisted Living being a haven for seniors provides seniors with a healthy vegetarian diet that is prepared by the specialist Athulya cooks according to the needs of each elderly. The Dining Experience in Athulya Athulya Assisted Living provides the best meal plan and dining experience for seniors with nutritional assistance from a nutritionist skilled in diet plans. Not only do they claim to provide the best meal plans,...