Role of Exercise in Arthritis Management

Although the term "arthritis" is used to encompass 100+ disorders that affect joints, adjacent tissues, and other connective tissues, causing joint inflammation. Depending on the type, arthritis can have a variety of reasons. Millions of people throughout the world are known to be affected by the crippling condition that limits the range of motion and has an impact on functional life. As a result, specialists stress that if untreated, it might completely limit your mobility. On this world Arthritis Day October 12, raise awareness of the prevalence and effects of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. Many people who have arthritis tend to avoid exercise out of concern that it might make their joints discomfort. However, one of the most effective ways to lessen the impairment frequently linked to arthritis is through exercising. When you have arthritis, it might be challenging to stay active, but doing so can help you stay independent by reducing pain and other arthritis-rel...