Rise of Geriatric Population and Demand for Senior Care Professionals in the Industry

Humanity is starting to lose its grip on population control, which has been on a steady rise over the last decade. Consequently, the geriatric population increase, too, has left the entire senior healthcare industry in tatters. To all the readers wondering ‘why’, the reason is quite simple. India has always been struggling to maintain one of the biggest norms set by the World Health Organisation. The WHO mandated that all countries maintain a 1000:3 population-to-nursing personnel ratio. While a lot of countries have managed to accomplish this norm, India is a bit too far from attaining it anytime soon. Here are some interesting statistical data to prove this claim; as of 2023, India stands at 1.7 nurses per 1000 population, hence needing over 4 million more nurses to complete the tally. Hence, considering the monumental demand, the biggest question is, how long is this pursuit going to take and until then, will this have a harsh effect on the geriatric population? Whi...