Common Misconceptions About Alzheimer’s Disease

The mere term ‘Alzheimer’s’ causes immense panic among the common public, and there’s a valid reason behind such a reaction as well. The amount of myths that have spurred out of Alzheimer’s disease is insane, which has subsequently left many, including senior citizens wondering which of them are actually true. Hence, in the hopes of creating more awareness, we’ll be shedding a bit of light on the myths and facts about Alzheimer’s disease, subsequently offering the readers enough clarity on it. Alzheimer’s disease is inarguably one of the deadliest diseases in the entire world, primely because they are irreversible. Once diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, there is, unfortunately, no going back. “Alzheimer's is not about the past—the successes, the accolades, the accomplishments… Alzheimer's is about the present and the struggle, the scrappy brawl, the fight to live with a disease. It's being in the present, the relationships, the experiences, which is the core of life, the...