Unveiling the close connection between Sleep Disturbances and Dementia: Remarkable Solutions to Combat this

Dementia, a common neurological disease prevalent in the elderly population, is likely to affect the brain in multiple ways. Interestingly, Alzheimer’s disease is clinically identified as the main dementia cause. Due to this, there is damage or decrease in the number of neurons and their interconnections with the brain. Apart from resulting in a decreased ability for thinking, remembering and reasoning, dementia can showcase several side effects. One such predominant problem associated with this age-related disorder is sleep disturbance. These disruptions tend to become more enhanced as the progression or severity of dementia increases. Research reveals that nearly twenty-five per cent of the population with mild to moderate dementia and almost fifty per cent of those with severe dementia suffer from sleep disturbances. This may be attributed to declining cognitive capabilities, various neuropsychiatric symptoms and poor lifestyle quality. Fortunately, there are promisin...