10 Steps to Make the House Fall-Proof for Seniors

Falling is the leading cause of accidents, injury and even death in the elderly. One-third of the aged people above 65 report a fall annually. In the U.S., approx. 9500 elderly citizens die of falls each year. In India, the prevalence of falls among the elderly has been estimated at 14-53%. Around 75% of the falls of elders occur in and around their home. So it is absolutely essential to fall-proof the area where elders reside, be it their own or senior independent living home . Why is elderly fall prevention so important in assisted living facilities? Home safety for seniors has to be ensured compulsorily in assisted living facilities because falls can cause great damages to senior health like these- 87% of all the fractures in elders are due to falls For elders aged 60-65, one out of every 200 falls ends in a hip fracture. For elders aged 80 and older, one in every 10 falls results in a hip fracture. One-fourth of the elders who suffer a hip fracture due to a fa...