Better Diabetes Management with Healthy Eating for Seniors

Diabetes happens to be a very common health issue prevalent in today’s world and more so in the elderly population. Approximately two-thirds of people suffering from this medical condition is constituted by seniors! Such patients are also likely to be suffering from other related ailments like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and dyslipidemia (high blood lipid levels). With aging, the degenerating body has additional nutritional needs for repairing tissues. Besides, older people are likely to suffer from age-related issues like low immunity, indigestion, fatigue and fragile bones and muscles. As a result, physical activity levels in elders decrease making them victims of various metabolic disorders. Hence healthy eating for the elderly becomes more important than consuming less food. Formulating a diet plan for seniors can, therefore, be challenging, particularly for those with diabetes. Yet this certainly forms the crux of diabetes management. That is so because the mai...