Dry Skin – How to Care and Handle?

As the process of raging, elderly people undergo lot of changes both physically and mentally. These biological changes affect the way how senior’s body work and react. Thus every part of the body including the skin undergo lot of changes. Hence it’s very important to adopt a healthy routine to maintain a proper health and to prevent the unexpected changes faced by people in senior years. As a part of ageing older adult’s skin will become dry (dry skin in ageing), wrinkles will appear and bruises might often occur due to thinness of skin and sagging due to lose of collagen content in the skin layer. Thus dry skin in old age should be given enough care in order to keep it healthy at maximum. Common skin problems faced by senior adults: It’s very important to understand the nature of the ageing skin to prevent the damages from happening at the earliest. In the ageing process the skin will lose its elasticity, becomes thinner and naturally dryer making it prone to damages like, Irritation...