How does a life with liver disease affect in graceful aging for seniors?

The best fortune is healthy aging . The liver is a unique and important organ that can regenerate itself! A healthy liver is necessary for staying active. The liver is the main organ that performs many important functions in the body such as Detoxifying and glycogen storage regulation Hormone production Protein synthesis Biochemicals that are required for metabolism and growth. The liver is located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper part of the abdomen. The liver's highly specialized tissue mostly made up of hepatocytes, regulates a wide range of essential functions. Most chronic illnesses are exacerbated by aging. According to research, aging is linked to the lethality and poor prognosis of multiple liver diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver cirrhosis, viral Hepatitis, etc. The following are the most prevalent liver diseases: Cirrhosis is the formation of damaged tissue on the liver, which frequently leads to liver failure. The major reason for Cirrhosi...