3 Questions to Ask Yourself to know if you are Retirement Ready

Imagine you are reading the last paragraph of the book you loved so much. It gives a great feel that you are about to complete it. At the same time, it makes you feel missing such a good read if you finish the last paragraph! ‘Retirement’ is just another word for many. But, for the person who is undergoing this phase, it is a mixed-feeling than a word! There comes a day for everyone where one should decide and say this is enough. However, deciding ‘that’ day is more difficult than one could imagine. Few feel happy for the relaxed and peaceful life they have after experiencing a complete life and few feel sad for they are going to miss the active professional life that they have been living for the past 3 or 4 decades. Unable to decide when is the right time for you to retire? Here are 3 simple questions to ask yourself if you are retirement ready. Unable to Cope with Job Responsibilities - The transition into aging slows you down gradually. The body w...