4 Common Infections in Seniors and Preventive Measures

Infections are common in all age groups but you need to take certain precautions to make them uncommon in your life. More than any other age group, seniors who are above 60 need to take good care of personal wellbeing and hygiene levels in order to skip the common infections that occur during the matured adulthood. 

As an active person, it would be easy for the people who fall in below 40 age group. However, for matured adults who are above 50 and 60 and have become dependent on a caregiver, performing these tasks would be a difficult task. 

Adding to that, this is the age where the curing process would become extremely difficult if they are diagnosed with any kind of infection. There is a significant need to take care of seniors in the best way possible while avoiding the common infections. 

Here is a list of 5 common infections that are considered as a major threat for seniors to be affected with. 

1) Skin Infections – Anything that itches continuously over a period needs to be addressed with proper medical attention.  
  • The changed patterns in the immune system as the age makes seniors more susceptible to get elderly skin infections. 
  • In addition, the personal hygiene will be compromised at a significant level due to the inability of performing the personal activities the way they supposed to be.  
  • Infections such as shingles and cellulitis are a major threat to seniors if they are associated with other health conditions. 
  • Avoiding skin infections that occur in the foot, between fingers and private areas needs to be handled with the required medical and personal assistance support. 
  • The changing weather conditions, especially the monsoon season poses a great threat in the form of skin infections.   
2) Pneumonia – Bacterial infections such as Pneumonia can be avoided with the use of adult vaccines. 
  • Bacterial infections in seniors such as Legionella, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycoplasma, especially Pneumonia are the ones to watch-out for.
  • Infections such as Pneumonia in the presence of cardiovascular disorders and diabetes increase the risk of continued coughing, difficulty in breathing including increased heartbeat rate. 
  • Doctors may prescribe antibacterial medications if the individual is diagnosed with Pneumonia. 
  • Pneumococcal vaccines are essential for seniors, especially for who are living in the assisted living facilities
3) Urinary Tract Infections – The Urinary Tract Infections, aka UTI, is one of the common and major bacterial infections in seniors.
  • The excessive use of catheters may cause the bacterial infections in the Urinary Tract. 
  • The increased onset of urinary incontinence and increased dementia are the common warning signs of this condition. 
  • As the pain is not a common symptom, if you observe any kind of urinary incontinence, it is advisable to consult the doctor for further urinalysis procedure.
  • Drinking plenty of water should decrease the chances of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI).
4) Influenza – This bacterial infection spreads across at a higher speed, by coughing and sneezing in a closed environment.
  • The signs of influenza may vary from one adult to another. However, chills, cough, sneezes and fever are common symptoms. 
  • Influenza, in the presence of Pneumonia, can lead to serious health complications if remained untreated. 
  • The flu vaccinations are recommended for seniors to safeguard them from this infectious condition.
In addition, Gastrointestinal infections and certain flu infections take a big toll on elders’ health. Fortunately, most of these infections have vaccines and they are highly recommended for the overall wellbeing of the elderly. 

Switching to the healthy lifestyle practices, maintaining personal hygiene, taking a balanced diet, practicing infection prevention tips and involving in some kind of physical activity on a regular basis are the basic principles to avoid health complications and infections.


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