Watching TV and Its Impact on Elderly Lives

Watching television has been one of the widely followed hobbies to get yourself entertained. Video content has been the torchbearer of the entertainment revolution. Most people on the planet spend their time in front of the TV at least once in a day's time. It is not exaggerating to say that watching TV has become an integral part of our life.
With the accessibility of smartphones, there might be a change of device in which we watch videos but the watching habit remains same. TV has been a great companion to keep you occupied. Especially, it is a boon for the people who are living alone!

Watching TV is a favorite hobby of almost all age groups, including elders. In fact, senior citizens prefer to watch TV as the enormous time they have post-retirement. Often considered as the window of the world, there are advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. However, if you could find the line between watching once in a while and binge-watching, you could enjoy the benefits of watching TV.
Medical researches show that watching TV gets increased after the age of 55. However, the number of TV viewers gets decreased as they advance towards the 70's and 80's. With limited mobility and diminished social interaction, elders prefer to spend their time watching their favorite shows and movies on TV. 
If you are a senior or have a senior in the family, this is for you to understand how to maintain the balance between binge-watching and watching once in a while. 

1. Watch the Content You are Watching
  • With the increased burden of age and other difficulties, seniors prefer to watch TV to feel peacefulness. The content they watch should not affect their peace.
  • This is the age where there is too much graphical content and you may want to stay away from this kind of shows. 
  • Prefer devotional, sports and music channels to maintain your peace and boost up the entertainment levels.
2. Do Not Spend More Time In Front of TV
  • Understand that your age has certain limitations and straining the body is not advisable. 
  • Continues TV watching may strain your eyes and body. Plan your day and watch TV only when you don't have any other recreational activity to do.
  • When you are watching TV continuously, try to do simple eye exercises and stretch your body so that you would not get any muscle cramps.
3. Do Not Eat Anything In Front of TV
  • Many researches have proven that eating while watching TV cause weight gain as the person misses focus on eating and binge eats. 
  • If you are living with your grandchildren, it is quite common to see them munching on popcorn in front of the TV. Refrain yourself from joining them. 
  • If you are feeling compelled, choose fruits and juice over the junk food items such as popcorn. 
4. Do Not Watch TV Before You Sleep
  • Watching TV right before you sleep is considered as a disruption for your sleep as TV makes your eyes strain.
  • Also, your brain may start thinking about what you have just watched and it may delay your sleep. 
  • Do not drift into sleep while watching TV as it affects your quality of sleep at a greater level.  

Watching your favorite show or movie may entertain you but excessive watching is considered as one of the reasons for many health conditions. Especially, overweight and physical inactivities are often linked with TV watching. 
Keeping this in mind, prefer to watch TV moderately. Try to develop other hobbies like reading and physical activities as they help you maintain your health and age.  


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