Types of Cancers in Seniors

Elders are more at risk from cancer than others. The incidence of cancer increases with advancing age.  The statistics of cancer in seniors is indeed alarming.
Statistics of cancer in seniors
  • Cancer occurs 10 times more often in elders above 65 than in those younger than this age. 
  • The death rate due to cancer is 16 times more in patients above 65 than the younger ones.
  • Seniors above 65 account for 60% of the malignancies and 70% of the cancer deaths. 
  • Out of every 100 people diagnosed with cancer, 89 are above 50 years.
Why is cancer so prevalent among elders?
Waning vitality, mitigated metabolism and declining immunity are the outcomes of old age and these have damaged the cells in the elderly. These damaged cells may not be repaired by the body owing to old age. When these damaged cells build up, they form cancerous tissues. Poor lifestyle habits and genetic factors also contribute to the early incidence of cancer in the elderly.

However, there is no reason to panic as awareness of the common types of cancer in seniors and their early detection and treatment can achieve a quick cure and better survival from this disease.

Common types of cancer in seniors

1. Lung cancer
Lung cancer affects the elderly and is most common in elders aged 65-74. 16% of the seniors are affected by lung cancer. Almost 82% of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer were over 60. Lung cancer is seen as an abnormal growth in the lungs.
Causes: Smoking, Exposure to tobacco smoke or pollutants like Asbestos fibres and heredity are the causes of lung cancer in the elderly.
Symptoms: Incessant coughing, wheezing, chest pain, bone pain and breathlessness.
Advice: Early detection of lung cancer can increase the survival rate by 50%.

2. Colon cancer
Colon cancer is manifested as the uncontrolled growth of cells in the colon or rectum. Nearly 14% of the elders are affected by colorectal cancer. Almost 90% of the diagnosed patients are aged over 50 years. 
Causes: Age, Meaty diet, Diet rich in processed foods, Type 2 diabetes, Crohn's disease and Heredity are the causes.
Symptoms:  Regular Constipation or Diarrhoea, blood in the stools, pain in the abdomen with cramps or gas, weight loss etc.
Advice: If Colon cancer is detected in stage1 itself, the chances of survival are 90%. Due to the high prevalence of this cancer in the elderly,  regular colonoscopy is recommended for all above 50.

3. Stomach cancer
Almost 60% of the patients diagnosed with stomach cancer are above 50. Stomach or gastric cancer is seen as a cancerous mass in the stomach.
Causes: Smoking, Alcoholism, Meaty diet, Processed food, Salty food, Family history
Symptoms: Weight loss, loss of appetite, blood in stool, Nausea, Vomiting, Jaundice
Advice: Early detection prevents progression of the disease and increases the chances of survival.

4. Prostate cancer
Of all the cancers in the elderly, prostate cancer is the most common affecting 25% of the seniors.  Prostate cancer affects elderly men 22 times more than younger ones. Almost 60% of the men above 80 years are affected by asymptomatic prostate cancer.
Causes: Age above 50, Ethnicity-African Americans, Family history, Diet rich in meat and dairy
Symptoms: Frequent urination, Blood in urine, Problems in urinating, Erectile Dysfunction, Lower back pain
Advice: Early detection increases the chances of survival.

5. Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among elderly women and affects 80% of the women above 50. It is seen as a lump in the breast or under the armpits.
Causes: Obesity, Alcoholism, High Oestrogen levels, Family history
Symptoms: Breast lumps, Breast Swelling, Nipple Pain or discharge, Breast pain, Lump in the underarms,  Reddening or thickening of the skin of the breast
Advice: Regular breast exam by physicians is advised for women above 50. Early detection prevents progression of the disease.

Cancer may be more incident in the elderly but its awareness and early detection can relieve trauma and save the lives of many elders.

For more visit our website - https://www.athulyaliving.com/


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