When to Look for An Assisted Living Center?

Everyone wants to give elders the best of care and comfort. But when a situation arises when we cannot offer this care wholesomely on our own, then it is time to seek external help like care at assisted living homes.
But when is it time to look for assisted living facilities for your beloved seniors? Take a look.

When Assisted Living Facilities are a Must for Elders?

It's time to look for assisted living facilities when you see these warning signs exhibited by your seniors.

1. Health Warnings

Elders at home may critically need care at assisted living home when
  • Accidents occur frequently at home. This means the seniors need 24x7 surveillance which can be only provided by caregivers at assisted living facilities.
  • Recovery is slow after an infection. your elder may have had a recent infection from which he/she is taking a long time to recuperate. This means they require continuous medical care and monitoring which can be provided only by assisted living facilities.
  • Deteriorating chronic health condition - Seniors with chronic health issues like dementia or COPD need constant care and this is provided by assisted living homes.
  • Difficulty in routine tasks - Your senior may find difficulty in performing heir routine tasks like bathing, grooming, etc. It is time then to look for senior independent living homes.

2. Appearance Warnings

One look at an elder may tell you it is time to look for senior independent living homes if you see these appearance warnings in them.
  • Unclean appearance - Is your elder looking dishevelled and shabby or in desperate need of a shower and change?  Look for senior independent living homes that offer grooming and daily routine care that help your senior maintain their dignity and hygiene.
  • Body odour - Give your elder a warm hug and feel a distinctly unpleasant odour? It's time to look for care at assisted living homes. Such facilities ensure that elders are bathed, groomed and well-kept every day.
  • Sudden weight loss - Is your elder looking thin and emaciated? It seems as if the elder has been skipping meals as they are unable to cook or shop for essentials. Enroll your elder into a trusted assisted living facility which will ensure that your seniors are always fed on time with tasty and healthy meals.
  • Sudden weight gain - If your elder is looking obese suddenly, then it is time to for senior independent living homes. Yes, elders with diabetes often have hunger pangs or sweet cravings. They gorge on food recklessly and need constant monitoring which can be provided only at assisted living facilities.
  • Mobility, Vision or Hearing issues - Elders with mobility, hearing or eyesight issues too need constant care at assisted living homes.

3. Behavioural Warnings

Observe your elder carefully for these behavioural warnings which tell you it is time to look for an assisted living facility.
  • Aggression - Some elders with dementia or anxiety issues may show signs of aggression. This simply means they need extra care at an assisted living home.
  • Depression - Elders feel depressed when they are left alone without the company of their dear ones. Activities at assisted living homes keep them cheerful by helping them bond with other seniors.
  • Isolation - Does your elder keep himself/ herself locked in the house for days? This is not a good sign. This means they are under chronic depression and must be enlisted in a senior living facility.

4. Social Warnings

Social interaction is very important to keep elders in good health and spirits. Due to advancing age, elders are not able to move out of their homes and mingle with their friends or neighbours. They miss this companionship as their loved ones live apart or their beloved friends move away to other places. For elders who feel lonely without the company of others, senior independent living homes are the best.
Activities at assisted living facilities keep elders occupied and help them to mingle with their peers and develop new friendships, keeping them healthy and happy.

5. Other Warning Signs

  • If your elder has memory issues which prevent them from handling money or medication properly, it is best to put them in an assisted living facility.
  • If your elder's health needs regular exercise which you cannot provide, a senior independent living home is best.
  • Elders who need help in travelling, cooking, reading and housekeeping are best placed in senior independent living homes
Look for any of the above warning signs which indicate it is time to look for an assisted living home for your elder. Assisted living homes offer a homely environment for elders where they find a new meaning and purpose to life.


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