Caring for the Elders During Lockdown

The pandemic of coronavirus has put the entire world into a turbulent mode and people everywhere are in a panic over its looming threat. With an unprecedented lockdown declared in many places, one of the population groups that get the most affected is that of the senior community. With the rising number of cases of this dangerous virus, both the physical, social and psychological health of elders calls for immediate attention and must be necessarily prioritized.

The aging population is more vulnerable to infections and epidemics with decreasing body immunity and comorbidities. Therefore, social distancing assumes paramount importance now to avoid calamities. Many elders live with their families, reside in senior independent living homes or care facilities like assisted living homes and senior living communities. All of them need adequate support systems to manage their daily life and take care of healthcare needs. Let us understand what kind of care and assistance they need.

Senior Caring during Lockdowns:
  • Do some robust planning - There is a need for equipping the senior people with essential supplies including groceries, medicines and other important items. This is all the more crucial if there is a need for self-quarantine in case the virus is contracted. Seniors must be informed about the available help mechanisms so that they do not venture out. They can avail facilities like online shopping, logistics and healthcare consultations, government resources and reliable volunteering communities especially if they are living alone.  
  • Ensure well-being through daily check-ins - Elders must feel safe and connected. Though physical distancing is inevitable, family members and friends can keep in touch regularly through phone calls and technologies like video conferencing. That helps in boosting the emotional well-being of elders and avoids the negative feelings of isolation and depression. Some elders may not be comfortable in using smart devices for communication. However, loved ones can spare some time to teach them about its usage so that they gain familiarity and feel comfortable.
  • Offer voluntary support and assistance - There are many errands that can be smoothly run by the young generation on behalf of their older counterparts. That includes shopping essentials, paying bills, collecting prescriptions and medications, preparing nutritious meals, handling financial transactions and taking care of pets. The aim of doing this is to minimize the risk of exposing the elders to the virus by avoiding outside visits. It is to be noted that while doing this, the highest levels of hygiene must still be maintained by disinfecting all the supplies and avoiding human contact through distancing while handing over the items.
  • Reinstate a meaningful purpose - Lockdowns can create tremendous anxiety in seniors as their usual routines are disturbed and they may not be able to accomplish tasks independently. To reduce such negativity, elders must be encouraged to do alternative activities that give a sense of purpose and accomplishment. That can include gardening, writing, mastering a new skill, doing online counselling and mentoring. It is proven that such constructive activities in senior living homes have remarkably benefitted senior living residents.
  • Encourage physical activity - Staying at home all the time can tempt elders to become lethargic and induce overeating. But that leads to several health issues including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression and digestive disorders. It also raises the risk of life-threatening diseases. Seniors must be motivated to have a daily activity plan so that their mobility and flexibility are not hampered. They can do walking inside their homes or gardens and also do simple exercises to maintain their fitness and energy levels.
  • Enhance creativity and cognition - Isolating one-self can indeed be boring and frustrating. The older generation can boost their creativity and cognitive skills through interesting options to overcome this. Arts and crafts like adult colouring, making collages, drawing and painting, doing crossword puzzles, Sudoku, quizzes and learning a new language are some good choices.
Thus, proper compassion and care can actually make the lockdown period enjoyable and memorable for elders despite its challenges!


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