Athulya Skilled Nursing Care - The Essential Benefits of It for Seniors

Being in good physical and mental health is a privilege and this is disrupted when you fall sick. Coping up with an illness, injury, or with an accident is indeed a challenging task. Even though all age groups undergo certain kinds of physical or mental illness, it would be elderly who need constant medical help considering their degenerative physical and mental health.
Making it even more challenging, seniors take considerably more time to get back onto their feet compared to the other age groups. And, this is exactly where senior assistance and skilled nursing care facilities come into the picture, supporting elderly to heal in a more speedy and wholesome fashion.

Any recovery period requires patience, attentiveness, diligence, and the external support medically and morally. The inclusive approach of advanced skilled nursing care facilities ensures all these aspects are covered in their service, making it more than important for a recovering senior.

But these are the ways of making the recovery a wholesome one. What are the real benefits of skilled nursing care that seniors could get particularly from the Athulya Skilled Nursing Care facility? Read on.

Benefits of Athulya Skilled Nursing Care -
  • In-house physical therapy sessions -
Athulya Living is one of the first of its kind nursing care facilities in India that is offering assisted living as well as in-house physical therapy sessions. Considered as the most important sessions in the process of recovery, these therapy sessions by the experienced rehab therapists, help elderly to recover faster.
  • Skilled nursing capabilities -
Athulya nursing care facilities have few of the best skilled nurses for seniors (not the caretakers). These licensed nurses are skillful and possess sound experience in complex wound care, tube feeding, rehabilitation, assisting in physical activities, and providing constant attention to the recovering individual around the clock.
  • Recovery in the comfortable facilities -
The physical aspects of a room or a house plays an essential role in the recovery. The specially designed world-class nursing care facilities of Athulya supports the senior citizen by providing support in each phase of a typical day to day living.
  • Privacy and dignity -
It is every senior’s right to recover in an atmosphere that respects their privacy and dignity. The specially designed recovering facilities provide utmost privacy for seniors from any kind of sight or sound, allowing them to least worry about their dignity as it was protected already.
  • Balanced diet and nutrition -
The advanced nursing care facility in Chennai houses few of the best dieticians for seniors to get their everyday menu ready for each individual. The dietician-led menu gets ready by the experienced chefs while maintaining a perfect balance of taste and nutritional values.
  • Personalized senior care -
Each individual’s medical and mental needs can be different and it may sometimes get difficult for the hospitals considering the hustle-bustle environment. In contrast, Athulya’s skilled nurses are specially trained to provide personalized care that includes diet, medication management, help in the day to day activities, and ensuring that the senior is involved in the community which helps them feel belonged.
  • Social support -
Sometimes more than the medication, it is the social atmosphere that helps the individuals to respond to the treatment and recover faster. The social atmosphere at Athulya skilled nursing care is established in such a way that it respects all individual’s choices and helps them remain inclusive at the same time.
  • Peace of mind for the kinship -
It is a fact that after some extent, seniors need support from medical experts. Sometimes care from the family members can put the elder’s life in danger. Covering the recovery needs of elders who are living by themselves and seniors who need expert medical care, Athulya’s nurses work 24/7 to provide peace of mind not only to the recovering seniors but also to their family members.

The experience of the skilled nurses at Athulya facility and of the management behind it is a paramount in providing the care just the way the ailing heart wants it.

Explore the other aspects of the facility such as proximity, the types of services that we offer, and who can avail these services by reaching out to us on phone or email. Check our other blogs to know more about skilled nursing care and other services offered by Athulya.


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