“Social Distancing” – The New Normal

Since the start of COVID-19 spread across the world, social distancing has become the new normal. Over 2.9 million covid cases around the world have created medical emergencies where the government and in particular the health department are urging people to stay home and limit human interactions, and follow the new social distancing norms. All of us have been living in an acute state of fear for the past few months as COVID-19 has changed our lives completely but living with the virus has also taught us new tricks and innovative ways to cope up with the pandemic situation.
Thus over time social distancing is becoming our new normal, but in times like these seniors especially the elders who require particular health care facility suffers a lot. Now, during this challenging time when people are practicing social distancing and avoid visiting family members and friends for safety’s sake, we expect that this percentage has increased, and a greater number of older adults may be lonely and thus seniors’ health and mental care is put at stake.

Crucial problems faced by seniors:
Even though social distancing norms are intended to protect senior people from contracting COVID19 and experiencing its associated risks, social distancing itself can also pose a significant risk to seniors’ health and mental care and well being. Increasingly older adults are left with difficult choices whether to get emergency medications and food or to follow the self isolation rules to protect themselves, since COVID19 is said to have major impacts on older adults with low immunity levels.

Also apart from medical emergencies and food related problems proper physical activities such as walking in outer space, attending yoga and exercise sessions where keeping their physical stability which are now become difficult with social distancing.

Of all the above mentioned problems, self isolation has all sorts of negative consequences for older adults, from depression to increased health problems to disability.

These situations become even worse for people with serious health conditions. Since they are at high risk category for COVID19 which itself will create serious anxiety and stress. According Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms of stress include,
  • Fear and worry about own health and health of loved ones
  • Changes in appetite
  • Change of sleep cycle routine
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Worsening of mental health conditions
  • Anger, uncertainty, or frustration
  • Increased somatic complaints
How seniors can cope up with social isolation?
Seniors are considered to be at higher risk to the COVID19 virus which has made social distancing mandatory. Older adults find it difficult to manage stress due to the pandemic and get adapted to social distancing and other precautionary methods. Thus with proper skilled nursing care facility, seniors can easily cope up with this situation.
  • To cope up with loneliness due to self isolation seniors can stay in touch with their loved ones by talking to family and friends through phone calls and video calls.
  • Physical activities such as walking and yoga for seniors help calm tension. Seniors can also involve in calming techniques such as deep breathing, stretching, meditation, prayers and warm baths.
  • Music therapy for seniors helps them relax their mind and reduces anxiety to maintain mental stability during pandemic.
  • Seniors can keep their minds active by engaging with indoor games such as completing puzzles, reading, engaging in art projects which can improve cognitive functioning.
Seniors at Assisted living communities during Pandemic:
Current pandemic has completely left elderly people in need of assistance despite the financial resources or people at home. Especially seniors who have serious illness or who are in need of post operative care may not be able to travel often during this pandemic. Henceforth assisted living communities like Athulya Living are of greater importance since they provide a friendly environment, skilled nursing care facility which provides round the clock medical services and general health care services. Since assisted living communities create a home like environment with proper medical facilities, seniors rehabilitation both mentally and physically are taken care completely.

With declining fertility rate and improvement in life expectancy in India, the elderly population will see a rapid rise in the next few decades. So we are in need of proper health care facilities for elders where assisted living is a blessing in senior health care and well being in this new normal.


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