Handling the emotional transition of seniors moving into an assisted living facility

Let’s face it! The thought of leaving the home you built behind is a difficult one. And, when this thought transits into a reality, it will be a difficult transition to make. Many seniors wonder if the decision was right or the time was right. Various doubts and presumptions that revolve around freedom, confusion, and even fear of tomorrow in some cases. With all this in head, the decision of moving into an assisted living facility can seem a difficult one. But only it is not.

The emotional dilemma is just a dilemma and cannot last long. Handling this emotional transition of seniors moving into an assisted living facility can be alien to many seniors. But making the whole process depends on choosing right assisted living facility. If you are a senior, who is looking for a way to make this mental transition smoother, this blog is for you. Stick around till the end to know how.

But before that, let’s analyze the situation that might lead to this decision. The advantages and disadvantages will help you have a better perception and digest things as they are. 

  • Ageing on your own: Be it because of the career and personal preferences of the children, loss of a loved one, or for many other reasons seniors this generation are living on their own. Though this is a convenient option during the initial days, living all by themselves as they age, can be as riskier as it gets.
  • Social inactivity: Living all by yourself can be exciting in your late twenties and early thirties but not for seniors. It is a time that appears making new friends outright difficult and maintaining relationships can be tiresome. In addition, seniors tend to forget the importance of socialisation in one’s life.
  • A way to spend all the time in hand: Retirement can be exciting only when one knows how to handle all the time in hand. Lack of time management can open the doors for inactivity, laziness and boredom. Continued episodes of boredom also kills the motivation to pursue any hobby or activity.
  • The daily living activities: Seniority has its own ways of slowing down a person. The individual not only becomes physically weak but also his or her cognitive abilities can lose their shine. Running kitchen activities and other housing chores can become overwhelming. Besides, paying bills can be a difficult task.
  • Managing health: With the increasing physical health issues, taking proper diet and self-care becomes prominent. In many cases, seniors become more vulnerable and personal hygiene, and medication management becomes more difficult. In many cases, bruising in old age because of falls quite common.
These are all the important aspects that a senior should look into when they are living all by themselves. Considering the difficulties involved in elderly lives, looking for external help in the form of assisted living facilities does more good without even an iota of harm. But making this transition is not easy for seniors. Here are a few tips for seniors that can help.

  • Give it some time: Adapting to a new lifestyle, no matter how good and hassle-free it is, takes time. Consider the difficulties in ageing on your own and always focus on the benefits of assisted living. There are plenty. Try to observe the facilities and the benefits behind them.
  • Rejoice the flexibility of life: Assisted living facilities are designed to help elders in experiencing the holistic elderly life while fulfilling all their needs. As a resident of an assisted living, the level of assistance you want is your joice. You can be independent while taking assistance only when you need.
  • Dissolve in a life that is designed for you: Assisted living facilities ensure that the daily life of elderly is designed to deliver a slow and smooth ageing experience. With the book reading sessions, tea time, hobby sessions, arts and crafts, and musical session at assisted living facilities,  the advanced senior havens make it a seamless transition.
  • Make friends, it’s easier than you thought: One main advantage of assisted living facilities is that you can have the chance of living amongst the same aged people and probably the like-minded ones. This can be just like your college days and you can make many friends while fulfilling the void of your social life.
  • Pursue the life you always wanted: As the name implies, assisted living facilities only provide help that you asked for. Here, you have the chance of pursuing your hobby or an art form that you always wanted to learn as a youth but left behind because of your priorities.
Most importantly, with professionally trained caregivers, cooks, personal attendants, and housekeeping staff, every need and want of seniors is taken care of by assisted living facilities. The in-house medical team that comprises nursing attendants, and skilled nursing professionals who work with visiting doctors and wellness professionals. In short, assisted living facilities these days tick every box for the overall well being of the elderly.

Not convinced yet?

Book an appointment with your nearest assisted living facilities or luxury senior living community to witness the life of your choice for a healthy ageing experience.


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