Simple exercises to improve bone health during old age

Keeping the bones healthy plays a vital role in the well-being of seniors and lowering the pace of ageing. Older adults tend to have weaker bones as the bone density decreases rapidly with age making it brittle, porous and fragile. Due to this, elders can develop osteoporosis making them easily susceptible to fractures and injuries. Strong bones are also important for retaining mobility and overall functionality during old age.

Senior care facilities like Athulya Assisted Living scrupulously ensure that residents maintain an active lifestyle and consume a healthy diet rich in calcium, vitamin D foods and proteins to boost bone health. Walking, swimming, sports like tennis, yoga and water aerobics are some good examples of moderate-intensity activities that can make the bones stronger due to weight-bearing. Another promising and yet simple approach that aids seniors in improving bone health and strength is by doing bone building exercises regularly. 

Best Bone Building Exercises
1. Bone strengthening exercises for seniors - Strengthening exercises are the core of building bone mass and density. Some such exercises are -
  • Upper torso exercises - Gently lift simple weights when you are standing or sitting. Doing this helps in developing resistance in the spinal cord, vertebral column, arms and legs. It is important to ensure that the feet are well-supported.
  • Movements without weights - In order to firm the bones and muscles without using weights, you can make slow intentional movements of the limbs like lifting and rotation. Tensing the muscles leads to the release of certain chemicals from the body that enhances the body density.
2. Resistance exercises - When resistance activities like push-ups are done, it strengthens the bones by releasing calcium, magnesium and other minerals from the muscles. You may use mechanical resistance for weight-bearing like resistance bands and weights. Types of exercises include-
  • Standing Push ups - Stand away from the wall while facing it. Place your hands at the chest level against the wall while maintaining them shoulder level apart. Bend the elbows as you lean against the wall. Straighten the elbows pushing the weight away from the wall.
  • Seated/Adapted Push ups - Hold on to a light-weighted pole with palms facing downwards and place your arms at the chest level maintaining shoulder-distance apart. Push the pole away from your chest region while straightening your arms. Subsequently, bend the elbows down and return the arms to the chest.
  • Resistance Bands - These are light and portable equipment used for the strengthening purpose. The colour coding on the band indicates the different resistance levels. Beginners are advised to use lighter versions initially and gradually increment to moderate and heavier variants of resistance bands.
  • Band pulls - This exercise may be done in the seated or standing position. Hold the band at chest level approximately five inches apart from you keeping the arms shoulder-width apart keeping the palms down. Slowly expand the band making your arms extend beyond the width of the shoulders. Try to straighten the arms as much as possible to create a tension force in between. Slowly go back to the original position releasing the force.
3. Balancing and core exercises - Core workouts encompass exercises for the stomach and back muscles and also the pelvic girdle. For this, the following activities may be tried-
  • One leg stand - Place your hands over the counter or the back of a firm chair. Raise one leg while you balance yourself on the other. Do this alternately using both the legs.
  • Standing straight - Inhale deeply and contract the abdomen so that the naval pulls towards the spine while standing straight and slowly exhale to restore to your original position.
  • Seated core exercises - While firmly being seated with arms crossed and legs bent, raise your thighs slightly up alternately to exercise the core muscles.
4. Flexibility exercises - To elongate the muscle fibres, it is important to do stretching. This may be done by doing hamstring stretches wherein you can raise your leg upwards after lying down on a flat surface and hold the hands below the thighs for half a minute and lower the leg back later. Likewise, shoulder stretches may also be done by raising your arms upward towards the roof for twenty to thirty seconds and returning them slowly.
5. Cardio exercises - Cardio workouts may be done by going for walks or using some fitness equipment like treadmills and stationary cycles. A good alternative to this can be doing gentle marching in a place.


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