Elder Abuse - One of the Leading Problem Faced by Seniors

According to WHO, 1 in every 6 people above 60 experience elderly abuse at some level. One might think of bruises, scars, and physical impairments when they hear the term ‘elderly abuse.’ However, elderly abuse has many forms. Mental and emotional abuse, financial exploitation, neglecting their overall welfare and daily care are also considered as elderly abuse.

Most of the elder abuse cases go unreported and some seniors are forced to live experiencing the abuse for a long-term. Lack of self-sufficiency, the need for dependency, financial challenges, and the fear of rejection make seniors continue to live in these circumstances making it one of the leading issues faced by the aging population.

Most importantly, lack awareness on the various forms of elder abuse restrict elders to react or take appropriate action. Learn more about abuse of older men and women, types of abuse, causes, and preventive measures in this blog. Stay with us until the end for some frequently asked questions in this aspect.

What are the types of elderly abuse?

The term abuse has many meanings, levels, and forms. It involves lack of care towards a senior, intimidation, threatening, suppression, physical abuse, mental abuse, and financial trickery etc., Here are a few forms that seniors face in most cases.

  • Physical abuse of seniors - Bruises on face, black eyes, hands, and legs that don’t appear as a result of fall. Wounds that are untreated, sprains, swelling, and broken hands or legs can be a result of constant physical abuse at various levels.
  • Mental abuse of seniors - Fearfulness, anxiety, shaky hands, being upset, signs of social withdrawal, forgetfulness, absentmindedness, and unusual or uncharacteristic behavior could be the signs of psychological or mental abuse.
  • The signs of neglect - Unhygienic surroundings of a senior, soiled bedding and sheets, unwashed clothes, long and dirty nails, fully grown beard and hair, dehydration, and bed sores that are untreated for a long time are the clear signs of senior neglect.
  • Financial trickery - Financial exploitation of seniors is not new. Recent addition of new names in banking activities, forgery, stealing cash, misuse of credit cards, and debit cards account for financial exploitation of seniors.

What leads to abuse of older people?

It is difficult to bundle together the causes behind senior abuse. There are many reasons and each one of them is different from individual to individual. Sometimes, it starts from the inability to take care of a senior on a regular basis even though the intention of the family caregiver is to bring positivity in an elder’s life.
The other times, the reasons can be triggered purely by selfishness, greed, and lack of accountability. Whatever the reason, elder abuse is a serious issue and abusers should face befitting consequences.

How to prevent elderly abuse?

Be it a senior who is going through abuse every day or someone who has a loved one who is being exposed to this kind of environment, you should raise your voice and seek appropriate help. Here are a few steps one should take to prevent an abusive environment in the first place.

Request help:

There are many caregiving options, NGOs, and government-aided organizations to help elders facing abuse. If you think you are experiencing abuse, request help. Other than that, here are a few capable choices that help you get rid of the abusive environment once and for all.

Caregiving options:

Family caregiver burnouts are bound to happen later, if not sooner. An aging senior needs consistent and constant care and being a full-time caregiver is not a feasible option. Get help from the senior care solution providers such as assisted living facilities and caregiving services at home for seniors.


Talk to your seniors regularly and give them confidence that they could express without being judged or scolded. This is important as seniors tend to adjust to the situation and continue to live under the blankets of apprehensions and fear.

Take care of yourself:

As a caregiver, ensure you are taking care of yourself and keeping away from the claws of burnouts. Get help from your family members from time to time if you are the sole caregiver for your parents.

Frequently asked questions:

1. How to know if a senior is being abused?

The signs of elderly abuse are real. If a senior is showing any physical, mental, or psychological signs of abuse, ensure they get help from the dedicated resources.

2. How can assisted living help seniors facing elderly abuse?  

When a senior is facing abuse, there is no option but getting rid of that toxic environment. The best alternative they could avail is assisted living facilities. With the appropriate care plans and services, assisted living facilities take care of all the daily living, mental, and social needs of seniors in the right way. 


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