Benefits of Transition Care

Moving away from home is an emotional transition for seniors who struggle during their old age. Accepting that change will take some time to settle. Transition care is a brief phase of rehabilitation in which assisting facilities offer special, compassionate care to the elderly.  It aids patients in adjusting from hospitalization to normal life and helps them regain the strength to lead their normal lifestyles by providing nursing, medical, and psychological care.

Transition care is the added attention and assistance given to a patient who has recently been discharged but isn't yet ready to return to their regular life. Naturally, it is unreasonable to expect a patient who has spent time in the hospital receiving treatment and spending days in bed to report to work the next morning.  But the days patients need to recuperate are crucial, and they should be used effectively rather than sitting about at home expecting that a patient will heal with just a little rest.

Then in this case, transitional care is implemented. The elderly are encouraged to live independently without needing assistance from others. According to the study, 1 in 5 elderly people had problems after being discharged from the hospital. Assisted living enables the transitional care module to support your loved ones in order to eliminate these risks. In addition to that, there are a number of other factors to consider. Apart from common misconceptions, Transition care will provide

  • Avoid bringing up health issues
  • Short-term outcomes
  • Ask for Multi Care
  • Get rid of loneliness
Benefits of transition care:

Elders won't immediately be independent enough to manage their daily activities on their own, even after receiving medical care. They require some unique supporting supervision if they are to regain their vitality and independence.

Transition care serves as a bridge between hospital life and everyday life by assisting patients how to improve both their physical and psychological fitness. Without proper transition care, a patient's recovery could not only take much longer than it should, but it also might not be as complete as what is feasible with expert assistance.

Connects the Care Gap:

The time right after your hospital discharge is crucial for your recovery. While many of your family and friends may be eager to assist you once you are discharged from the hospital, many of them lack the necessary expertise for post-operative home care. Programs for transitional care can assist close the care gap between various providers in this situation with various facilities and amenities. These programs provide varying levels of care and continuity for patients as they move between multiple places.

Reduces re-admissions:

Giving patients the right assistance and care can reduce the need for frequent hospital re-admissions. In order to keep your rehabilitation on track, the transitional care staff collaborates closely with you, your doctor, therapist, and the hospital. They develop a specially personalized care plan based on your requirements to aid in your speedy, secure, and efficient recovery.

Access to multi-disciplinary treatment:

One of the key factors for transitional care units is to provide elderly patients with the provision of multidisciplinary treatment for a quick and effective recovery. To recover after hospitalization especially need the extensive rehabilitation services, they provide such as physical therapy and occupational therapy for active aging.

Athulya Assisted Living is a premium senior living facility that offers elderly residents great care to maintain their physical and emotional health. Our primary duty is to keep our senior residents in a secure, pleasant environment with access to all services under one roof.

Continuity of care:

The availability of a wide range of skilled nursing care services and continuity of care effectively close the gap between acute treatment and discharge. They increase patient satisfaction, lessen the transfer of care-related issues, and cut the risk of hospital readmission. Providing a secure discharge to the patient's home will help to continue a more active and satisfying life.


What is the purpose of transitional care program?

After being hospitalized, transition care is given to the patients to aid in the recovery as a short-term care.

Is transition care same as the hospice care?

Hospice is comfort care that aims at the quality of life of individuals, whereas transition care can be given to the patient for speedy recovery after hospitalization.

Why transitional care is important?

Transition care gives patients a fair chance to get back to living and functioning normally without any dependence.

What are the reasons for transition?
  • 24/7 health care
  • To eliminate social isolation
  • Short-term results
  • Peaceful environment


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