6 Essential Indoor Plants for Good Health

There is absolutely nothing you would lose by making room for plants in your home. Plants are the living sources for restful ambiences and best-known resources for rejuvenating spaces. Increased oxygen in the air and reduced stress levels for the body are a few default perks of plants inside your home. Here is our attempt to remind you about the importance of plants in our life. Yes, we heard your plea about the space, the right plant-picks and their maintenance. Where there is a will, there is a way. There are a bunch of house plants that are more than functional decorations. Gardening can be everybody’s favourite but it is seniors who indulge in it with the added advantage as one of the official healthy aging tips. It is employed in almost all homes where elderly live in and in all of the assisted living facilities . Read on as you are going to find the most compact, easy to take care of and less-space occupying plants that make you fall for them instantly. ...