
When to Look for An Assisted Living Center?

Everyone wants to give elders the best of care and comfort. But when a situation arises when we cannot offer this care wholesomely on our own, then it is time to seek external help like care at assisted living homes. But when is it time to look for assisted living facilities for your beloved seniors? Take a look. When Assisted Living Facilities are a Must for Elders? It's time to look for assisted living facilities when you see these warning signs exhibited by your seniors. 1. Health Warnings Elders at home may critically need care at assisted living home when Accidents occur frequently at home. This means the seniors need 24x7 surveillance which can be only provided by caregivers at assisted living facilities. Recovery is slow after an infection. your elder may have had a recent infection from which he/she is taking a long time to recuperate. This means they require continuous medical care and monitoring which can be provided only by assisted living facilities ...

Types of Cancers in Seniors

Elders are more at risk from cancer than others. The incidence of cancer increases with advancing age.  The statistics of cancer in seniors is indeed alarming. Statistics of cancer in seniors Cancer occurs 10 times more often in elders above 65 than in those younger than this age.  The death rate due to cancer is 16 times more in patients above 65 than the younger ones. Seniors above 65 account for 60% of the malignancies and 70% of the cancer deaths.  Out of every 100 people diagnosed with cancer, 89 are above 50 years. Why is cancer so prevalent among elders? Waning vitality, mitigated metabolism and declining immunity are the outcomes of old age and these have damaged the cells in the elderly. These damaged cells may not be repaired by the body owing to old age. When these damaged cells build up, they form cancerous tissues. Poor lifestyle habits and genetic factors also contribute to the early incidence of cancer in the elderly. However, there is...

5 Foods to Avoid for a Peaceful Sleep for the Elderly

Sleep is an integral part of life and probably the only activity that does a lot of good while making you feel relaxed. Sufficient sleep hours not only keep your health on track but also help you to experience the life to its fullest when you are awake. For a few sleeping during the night time is a cakewalk. However, few struggle to get a quality shut-eye and they may continue to face this problem for an extended period if the necessary precautions are not employed. You may feel like devouring the delicious cake or savor a sumptuous snack during the post-dinner talks with your loved ones. It might seem to be a good idea in every way but would be a nightmare for your gut. If you are feeling extremely hungry, light food should be an option. The logic is simple. The late you eat, the less your quality of sleep will be. Avoiding late night eating should a thumb rule for you in order to avoid the disturbed sleep. Sleeping issues are commonly observed in aging lives. As we could g...

Nutritional Essentials for Seniors During Winter

Winter, probably, is one of the seasons that demand your attention in order to avoid the probable health issues. The season, apart from being cozy and gloomy, puts your immune system to a test, forcing you to mind what you eat and how you eat. Especially, winter impacts the health of the children and the elders in a negative manner than any other age group. Maintaining a good nutrition during the dusky winter season not only boosts your immune system but also provides the much needed-nutrients and winter-essentials for the body to ward off the ailments that come along with the season. It is common to see the elders and children fell ill during winter and a healthy immune system can help them to keep up their energy levels irrespective of the weather conditions outside. The best part is winter can be considered as also the season for an array of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Below are a few tips that make an excellent combination of a perfect winter diet for the elders. Re...

Benefits of Reading Books

Ever been into a reader’s paradise? If you have, there is no other blissful experience. The images of fantasy, war, family, flowers, scenery, and many more flash by in our mind’s eye while we read. If you have been there once, revisit the pleasant universe. Delve into different realms. Experience the author’s mind. The best part about reading books, even if you have had a gap of many years, you can always get back without any intimidation. As if visiting an old friend.  If you are new to it. Do not ponder. Be mindless about it. Do not be overawed. Select a genre or an author recommended by friends. If not, go by the cover picture. Select the cover that touches your heart and kindles interest in you. Do not look upon it as a task. Take your time reading. But first, let us all look into why one should read. Or rather, how the activity of reading helps all of us. The Activity – Reading Books Reading books may seem insignificant in terms of self-development. But that is not t...

Watching TV and Its Impact on Elderly Lives

Watching television has been one of the widely followed hobbies to get yourself entertained. Video content has been the torchbearer of the entertainment revolution. Most people on the planet spend their time in front of the TV at least once in a day's time. It is not exaggerating to say that watching TV has become an integral part of our life. With the accessibility of smartphones, there might be a change of device in which we watch videos but the watching habit remains same. TV has been a great companion to keep you occupied. Especially, it is a boon for the people who are living alone! Watching TV is a favorite hobby of almost all age groups, including elders. In fact, senior citizens prefer to watch TV as the enormous time they have post-retirement. Often considered as the window of the world, there are advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. However, if you could find the line between watching once in a while and binge-watching, you could enjoy the benefits of wa...

Importance of Flooring at Home in Preventing Slips and Falls

Falling is the primary cause for serious brain and bone injuries in the elderly. Infirmity, poor vision and loss of balance are the reasons for these tri ps and slips. So senior fall prevention must be the prime concern for caregivers at home and assisted living facilities. Falls can be prevented for seniors by adopting a special design for the ageing. Flooring plays a crucial role in senior fall prevention. How? Let us take a look. Do floors really help in senior fall prevention? Yes, they do. A study in a Swedish nursing home revealed that the use of special impact-absorbent flooring reduce s falls by at least 60%. Another study was conducted among 57 female residents of an average age of 85 years in a hospital. It was found that 254 falls occurred on regular flooring while only 77 happened on low-impact flooring. Of this, 30% of the falls on regular flooring led to grave injuries like hip fractures while the falls on soft flooring were relatively harmless with min...